What is a Section?
A section is comprised of lawyers who practice in similar legal specialties. Each Section is designed to offer closer association between attorneys engaged in specialized fields of law, thus providing the opportunity to share professional experiences.
To accomplish this, many Sections publish newsletters/reports covering current topics, pending and adopted legislation, and recent updates on cases. Other publications originating with Sections include the Family Law Section’s Law Practice Manual. In addition to their own publications, some Sections send their members outside publications concerning their particular legal field. Responding to the continuing legal educational needs of the rapidly growing bar membership, Sections have increased sponsorship of legal institutes.
A general membership meeting of each Section is held at the State Bar Annual Meeting to elect officers and conduct other business.
Why You Should Participate in State Bar Sections
Membership and involvement in State Bar Sections enables you to gain maximum career potential, study issues, express ideas, enrich your personal development and strengthen the legal profession in our State. Such landmark State Bar Legislation, as the revision of the Family Code, was produced by Sections.
Who is Eligible to Join Sections?
Membership is open to all State Bar members in all but three Sections. The exceptions are the Judicial Section, Municipal Judges Section and James C. Watson Inn of Former Officers and Directors. Public, non-lawyer section memberships are also available. The Municipal Judges Section of the State Bar of Texas is composed of lawyers serving as municipal judges throughout the state of Texas. The Section is designed to offer closer association between the lawyers engaged in this specialized field of law, thus providing the opportunity to share professional knowledge and experiences. The Section also provides a forum for issues of mutual interest to be considered and for appropriate action to be taken. Membership and involvement in the Municipal Judges Section of the State Bar enables one to gain maximum career potential, study issues of special interest, express ideas, enrich personal professional development and to strengthen the legal profession in our state.
About the Municipal Judges Section
The Municipal Judges Section is an organization with a ten member Section Council, one-half of which is elected year for two year terms in the annual meeting with a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretary-Treasurer as officers elected for one year terms. The Section Council also includes liaisons from the State Bar of Texas Board of Directors and functions under By-laws in accord with the polieies of the State Bar of Texas.
What does the Section do?
The Municipal Judges Section provides a professional forum for the association of lawyers serving as Texas municipal judges. To accomplish this purpose the Municipal Judges Section publishes at least two Section Reports each year covering current topics of interest, pending or adopted legislation, recent updates on relevant cases as well as Section and Bar related news.